Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Couture Girl Dresses


I have found my new addiction for sewing. I was searching the web once again for some great little girl dresses to make and came upon Whimsy Couture blog and just feel in love with her patterns that you can purchase at Etsy.

She has some of the cutest patterns I have come across that can be very versatile and can have many looks once you add trim and embellishments.

The pink dress above and the cute red ones Below are made with her Bow Twirl Dress Instructions using the shirring technique.

This dress can be worn two ways with the bow in the back or in the front. Make a peticoat to go underneath and it will bow out and give it a fuller look.


The next one I found was a very simply style dress but has a touch of elegance once you add all the embellshments.

This was a very easy dress to make and matching the inside lining so that it can be worn on either side was fun.

1 comment:

  1. I sew for a living and make most of my own patterns, but purchase a lot too. I find I need the multiple sizes often and the tissue patterns dont last. Thus i have started cutting out the patterns with all sizes and Ironing the tissue pattern onto medium weight fusible pellon. They dont tear and can be used for decades. When I need a certain size, instead of using paper to trace, I use heavy non-fusible pellon to trace the size and transfer markings and not only does it not tear the pattern, but it doesnt slide on the fabric or wrinkle like paper. Patterns last forever!
