Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Are they not just too cute. These two adorable sisters are my cute little models and do such a great job. They both came over yesterday and picked out the fabrics that they wanted their dresses to be. This is such an easy style to make and you can add so many elements to it.

I used the contrasting dark thread to do the shirring technique to make it pop and I think it looks great. I will be trying out different stitch designs on the next set of dresses I create and maybe add some ruffles here and there.  

Rachel's red hair compliments the fabric just perfect and yes that is "Tinker Bell" on the bottom hem and top trim fabric.

I used Gross grain ribbon this time for the shoulder straps. I sewed a long piece of ribbon to one side at the waste to create a bow around the other side to dress it up.

You can get the written instructions I created with step by step directions and photo's at the link below.

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