Friday, February 17, 2012


Peeps are my all time favorite holiday treat. There is just something about the marshmallow and sweet sugar that is a perfect combination. I created theses to give to all my Family and friends for the upcoming Easter gathering. I used digital art to add just the perfect finish for the top of the box. The digital artwork can be found at "Meljen's Designs" She has so many wonder digital stamps to pick from. Once I printed my digital stamp I colored it in with my prisma colors and stamped the whole image with versamark and added my glitter. I heat set it with my embossing gun.

Close up of the images on the boxes

This cute little box fits 4 peeps perfectly

The instructions can be be found at


  1. Hi Northern Girl,

    Just sent you an email asking for the directions when they are done. Very cute.

  2. congrats to you....adorable project....sending you sunshine...I am offering a blog give away, check it out if you have time!

    enjoy *~*

  3. Shannon, Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog Trinity Paper Arts from the Stars and Stamps Blog Hop. It was special for me that you would discern what is "behind" the card! And it IS a wonderful experience making cards for our heroes. I receive so much more than I give!

    Also, a great big thank you for promoting OWH on your blog. I can see you are a very gifted stamper and your body of work is quite beautiful.

    Congratulations on your DT position at MelJen's. Interesting you found OWH through MelJen's and I found MelJen's through OWH. We are all connected one to the other - brother and sister - and I am glad our paths have crossed! If I can answer any questions regarding OWH, please do contact me. Blessings, Louise

  4. Congrats, Shannon and wow, what an amazing project!! I love this whole thing!
    - Ann

  5. What a fabulous project you made Shannon, and thanks so much for sharing the tuturial!

    Congratulations on becoming one of Meljens DT members! I'm looking forward to getting to know the team. :)

  6. Great projects! I am definately going to make some Peep boxes if I get the time before Easter

  7. Adorable project! Congrats on being selected for the design team. Looking forward to seeing more of your creative projects. :)
