Monday, November 7, 2011


Once again "JACKPOT" at "MARDENS" I found many styles of ribbon for .25 to .50 cents a spool so I of course bought SEVERAL this only shows a small portion of what I have. I then had to think of a way to incorporate some type of ribbon storage for my shelves in my sewing area in my craft room.

I came upon some spring curtain rods at Family dollar for $3.00 and thought hhhhmmmm  would that work!!!!!

By GOLLY GEE it did. I did however have to put a staple right under each end to stop it from slipping down due to the rubber ends and smooth service.

This keeps all my ribbon organized by color. I have 3-4 more to add to the shelving unit and will also have some little bins to store some misc ribbon items on the shelf.

I have some ribbon in jars on top of the spooled ribbon shelve. Most are pieces that I have cut for projects or ends of the spool salvages.


  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [08 Nov 02:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  2. I thanks you to share the way of ribbon storage. I was very confuse to store my various collection of ribbon at one place, thanks for inspiration.
