Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Table Ensamble

The Blessing mix will be in this great little package and placed in front of the plates for all my guest.

The package is 4 x 4

1.) Cut cardstock 10 1/2 by 4
2.) score at 3/4, 2 1/2 and 6 1/2
3.) Assemble favor.

Thanksgiving Blessing Mix Recipe

2 cups Bugles brand corn snacks
2 cups small pretzels
1 cup candy corn
1 cup dried fruit bits or raisins
1 cup peanuts or sunflower seeds
1 cup M&Ms-brand chocolate candy
16 Hershey's-brand chocolate kisses

Once I have mixed this all together I then place the mix in small cellophane bags and place inside the favor box and staple before I decorate the facing of the favor.

I then attach the poem on the back side of the favor.

Thanksgiving Blessing Mix
  • Bugles: Shaped like a cornucopia or Horn of Plenty, a symbol of our nation's abundance.
  • Pretzels: Arms folded in prayer, a freedom sought by those who founded our country.
  • Candy corn: Sacrifices of the Pilgrims' first winter. Food was so scarce that settlers survived on just a few kernels of corn a day.
  • Nuts or seeds: Promise of a a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence.
  • Dried fruits: Harvest gifts of our bountiful land.
  • M&Ms: Memories of those who came before us to guide us to a blessed future.
  • Hershey's Kiss: The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.

I will have detailed instruction this week so be sure to check back.


  1. Shannon:
    I just wanted to tell you that I was havin a rough day the other day; and came upon your blog. I took the time to watch and listen to: A Fathers Love Letter .. Thanks for sharing that on your blog; its just "what the doctor ordered" at the time...and have listened to the beautiful music on here since..thanks again.

  2. I am glad that it was a help to you. It is the one place to turn in the times we need it the most. We just need to remember that.
